
The Centre NUTRISS offers students and postdoctoral fellows a statistical support service, managed by Clara-Jane Rhéaume. Various statistical services are offered, such as:

  • Calculation of sample size and type of sampling (e.g. simple random, stratified, clustered, etc.);
  • Choice of analysis methods (e.g. regression, mixed model, classification, multilevel analysis, survival, mediation, etc.);
  • Support for rigorous analysis (e.g., adherence to assumptions, programming that reflects the chosen sampling plan and analysis model, etc.);
  • Support in interpreting results;
  • Questionnaire development (e.g. choice of questions and their type, method of administration);

It should be noted that this statistical coaching service supports the research work of Centre members. Researchers, students and research professionals are responsible for carrying out their own statistical analyses.

If you have any questions or requests concerning the statistical support service, please contact Clara-Jane Rhéaume (