Research Axis

Axis 1: Precision nutrition

This field aims to formulate nutritional recommendations better adapted to the changing and interactive parameters of the internal and external environment of a person throughout his/her life. This research is essential to identify the most effective nutritional interventions for reducing the risk of chronic diseases for each individual.

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    Axis 2: Food and behavior

    This field aims to study the behavioural determinants that influence diet quality at the individual level, notably in vulnerable groups of the population like overweight and obese people and low socioeconomic status populations. The interdisciplinary nature of field 2, which combines notably ethnology of food, communication, ethics, economy and consumption as well as psychology which is essential to better understand these phenomena.

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      Axis 3: Nutrition and society

      Focused on societal needs, the objectives that researchers from Field 3 pursue are articulated around themes that aim to better understand the bidirectional relationships and influences between the contextual factors and the diet of the population, with particular attention to more vulnerable groups of the population towards healthy eating.

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